February Slump Cure - Reach Out!
As the 6 week grading period approached, I knew I needed to get caught up on my grading. So much had gotten in the way: I have multiple leadership roles, I was out for different conferences, I took some time with my family. None of these are an excuses, but they are the reality. I used my February break to attend New Tech Network Leadership Summit and found that it really focused me on what I need to do with the adults for Professional Development, but it also made me realize where I need to grow as a teacher. We continued to talk about feedback and growth for Adult Learners and inside I felt the guilt. I have not been giving enough timely feedback to my students. If I want them to grow, I need to do more. After returning from summit, I got all caught up on grading and to my horror, I found I had a lot more students with D's and F's than I have ever had before. Was it the time of year? Is everyone in a slump? Do some of them not real...