
Showing posts from July, 2019

Dream It, Believe It, Do It

 In February, I formally announced that I was going to pass the torch of teaching yearbook to other educators at my school.  This decision was not an easy one for me, likely because I am someone who prides myself in commitment and seeing something through. I have taught yearbook for most of my 17 years of teaching and I learned so much from it.  But I finally accepted that if I was going to let myself dive deep into actually mentoring other teachers in my role as TOSA while still co-chairing a PBL pathway at my school and teaching, something had to give. I finally accepted that I like being a leader and instead of being shy about it, I became much more confident that this is the journey I should be on.  As soon as I let go of the doubt and inner critic, so much has changed in my life.  Timeline of the changes: March 2019 I found out that my  TOSA  periods would shift from one to three for next year, giving me more time to meet with teachers and dream bigger for the impact I can have. M