
Showing posts from July, 2020

3 Lessons From Online Learning to Take Back to the Classroom

 Please read this article written for a published on Edutopia. For some teachers, emergency remote instruction birthed new instructional practices that they plan to continue after distance learning ends. By  Stephanie Rothstein July 27, 2020 da-kuk / iSTock Remote teaching has brought profound changes. I went through a grieving process for what my classroom once had been and for what it felt like to be in a room with students and interact with them so easily. But as I made my way through that grief, after a month or two I began to find some hope. I realized that there are lots of lessons to be learned from this time of distance learning. When we can be in person again, there are some practices that will carry with me because I discovered they actually work better: GUEST SPEAKERS, PANELISTS, SUPPORTERS As a teacher who uses principles related to design thinking and leads students in project-based learning, I believe it’s essential to begin with the end user in mind and provide...