Seven Stages of Covid Grief
Today it hit me. I am in grief. Grief for the life that we had once so freely lived. Grief for the school that I called home. Grief for my three kids and the privilege of sending them to a school with teachers who love and care for them in person. Grief for the job my husband once went to but as a manager of a retail store, he is now furloughed. Grief for the ability to sneak in moments for me. I also am starting to recognize that I have been going through the stages. Shock and Denial During the beginning of all of this, I remember thinking, this can't be real, right? I'm going to wake up tomorrow and this will all have been a bad dream. I also found myself saying, "It really can't be that bad, right?" I really was in denial about the Corona Virus. Pain and Guilt Then, it all hit me. The pain of what I knew was coming. So many teachers who would need support. How could we actually do this? I also felt bad about my denial. I felt guilt that I hadn't done enou...