7 Ideas to Close with Grace
We are nearing the homestretch, what can we do? How can we end this crazy year of Virtual, Hybrid, Simulcasting, and In-Person Learning? Perhaps we need to think about closing meaningfully, in a way that honors the myriad of growth opportunities and challenges from this year. Here are 7 ideas to help you close this year with grace.
1. Reflective Portfolio Presentations
I close each school year in my English classes with a reflective portfolio. Students present their slide to guests and reflect on how they have grown these skills this year. One alteration we made to support this challenging year was having students record their reflections over Flipgrid and receive feedback from peers and teachers. Then, on the last day of class, we tell them their score can only go up.
2. Get to Know Your School - Interview Time
Spanish Teacher, Pablo Cueto invites members of the staff to come speak about their experiences growing up outside of the United States. He invited SeƱora Orfa Escalante who runs Los Gatos High School’s amazing cafeteria to speak about her family, favorite traditions, food she loves to cook and her journey to the United States from Guatemala by way of Mexico 30 years ago. Students were able to practice their Spanish while listening, honoring and learning from a valued member of our school staff. It is also an opportunity to really thank the people who care so much for students at the school.
3. Group Challenge Activities Outside
Kurt Kroesche from Los Gatos High School in Los Gatos, California brings his students outside and asks them to work through a challenge together. One challenge involved two platforms and a plank. They had to get everyone to one side without touching the ground. After the challenge, students reflect on working together and their own learning and growth.
4. Support Service Efforts
Helping students to think about groups outside of themselves helps focus our efforts on what we can do during this very challenging year. Teacher Traci Browder and her Kindergartners from Mansfield Elementary school in Texas completed a #MockGlobal6K to raise awareness of the water crisis in other countries and water conservation within our own country! For more information on this project, check out the website this class made about their Sustainable Development Goal Project.
5. A Meal Together
I received an email from a student that made me think of another meaningful way to close this crazy year. He wrote to invite the seniors in our Design Thinking Pathway to have a meal together. Being together is the best way that I can think of to close our classes. It marks an end and honors our time together. I also get special pins for our students that have the student designed logo on them and give them out at these closing events. Another option is creating individual certificates or writing each person a special note or card.
Email from LEAD student
Hi LEAD teachers,
I’m planning on hosting on celebration for my graduating Senior class of LEAD students on June 12th in the afternoon. Dinner will be catered and the LEAD seniors and their parents are invited. I was hoping you all would be able to attend and maybe even speak. We all have learned so much from all of you and it would have an honor to have you there. What do guys think?
6. Circle Share - Students Take the Lead
Kurt Koresche, yes the same teacher I mentioned earlier who I could write an entire book on, does another powerful closing activity. He has each student stand in the center of a circle and all of the students who want to say something about the student in the middle can share what they value and appreciate about them. It is a very moving experience. I am so impressed by our students during this time; again, it was a student who organized this option during COVID. Depending on their age, this really is something that students can organize themselves.
Email from LEAD students
LEAD Teachers,
I hope this email finds you and your families well. We understand that this a last minute request, but we wanted to invite you all to a farewell for some of the LEAD students. This is just going to be an informal gathering to say our goodbyes to those who are leaving. We will be at the front lawn of the high school from 6-8:30 on Tuesday the 11th. We would love for you to join us. Social distancing and masks required. Thank you for the 4 great years of high school and we hope you have a wonderful school year!
Thank you,
LEAD Class of 2020
7. Create Your GIF summary
Help students record and make their own gif that expresses their feelings as they close the year. You can have them put them all in a slide presentation, Jamboard or other whiteboard. They can then share out what their GIF hashtag would be and why.
- Go to https://andtheniwaslike.co/
- Click “MAKE A NEW GIF”
- Record your GIF
- Right click & “COPY IMAGE ADDRESS”
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